Governing Body
What is the role of the Governing Body?
The Governing Body works in partnership with the staff to promote high quality education for pupils. We appoint the Headteacher and work closely with her to make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children.
Part of a school Governing Body’s responsibilities are to:
- Promote high standards of educational attainment
- Set an annual budget detailing planned spending
- Make decisions on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and school development plans
- Draw up an action plan following inspection reports
- Appoint staff, ensuring the implementation of a range of personnel procedures
- Ensure the health & safety of pupils and staff
- The Governing Body is a ‘critical friend’, challenging and supporting the Senior Leadership Team, monitoring the outcome of policies and ensuring accountability
Our School Governors are very supportive and actively take part in all areas of the school curriculum by visiting the school and attending regular governor meetings. If you would like to meet with any governors, please make contact with the school office.
All Governors’ terms of office are four years (for information on previous members of the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body)
Governing Body 2023/2024
To contact the Chair or the Clerk to the Governors please contact Mr Martin Hughes:
Name: Mr Jamie Atherton (Chair)
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 23/10/2020
Current Term of Office: 01/09/2022-30/08/2026
Committees: Standards & Inclusion
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 3/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Profession: Hospitality Manager
Name: Sally Bowman (Deputy Chair)
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 16/11/2021
Current Term of Office: 16/11/2021 - 15/11/2025
Declaration of Interest: Son at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 5/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 3/5
Profession: Banking
Name: Mr Ian Pickard (H&S Link Governor)
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 01/01/2015
Current Term of Office: 31/12/2022 - 30/12/2026
Committees: Premises, H&S and Wellbeing
Office: Chair of Premises, H&S & Wellbeing
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 1/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 3/5
Profession: H & S Specialist
Name: Mrs Jess Newby (Sports Link Governor)
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 01/01/2015
Current Term of Office: 31/12/2022 - 30/12/2026
Committees: Premises, H&S and Wellbeing
Declaration of Interest: Working at the school / Son at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 5/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Profession: Teacher
Name: Mr Jon Davies
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 03/07/2019
Current Term of Office: 03/07/2023 - 02/07/2026
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 4/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Profession: Banking
Name: Mrs Tracy Robinson
Appointed Body: Headteacher
Appointed Date: 05/01/2015
Current Term of Office: 05/01/2015 - 04/01/2040
Committees: All
Declaration of Interest: Son working at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 5/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Profession: Headteacher
Name: Mrs Jo Ansell
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 12/10/2016
Current Term of Office: 23/10/2020 - 22/10/2024
Committees: Standards & Inclusion
Declaration of Interest: Working at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 5/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Profession: Teacher
Name: Mr Kevin Hefferan
Appointed Body: Parent Governor
Appointed Date: 17/11/2021
Current Term of Office: 17/11/2021 - 16/11/2025
Committees: Premises, Health & Safety and Wellbeing
Declaration of Interest: Daughter at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 2/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 3/5
Name: Mrs Felicity Starkey (SEND Link Governor)
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 27/02/2017
Current Term of Office: 27/02/2021 - 26/02/2025
Committees: Standards & Inclusion
Declaration of Interest: Also an LA appointed Governor at a West Sussex School
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 3/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 2/5
Profession: Retired Headteacher
Name: Alex Dundas
Appointed Body: Parent Governor
Appointed Date: 10/06/2022
Current Term of Office: 10/06/2022 - 09/06/2026
Committees: Premises, Health & Safety and Wellbeing
Declaration of Interest: Son at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 3/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 3/5
Profession: Senior Management
Name: Emma Clarke
Appointed Body: Staff Governor
Appointed Date: 01/06/2022 - 31/05/2026
Current Term of Office: 01/09/22 - 31/08/2026
Declaration of Interest: Working at the school
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 5/5
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 4/5
Name: Maridy Platten
Appointed Body: Co-opted
Appointed Date: 21/11/2022
Current Term of Office: 21/11/2022 - 20/11/2026
FGB Meetings Attended 2022-23: 4/4
FGB Meetings Attended 2023-24: 5/5
Name: Co-opted Governor - Vacancy