Starting School in 2024
We are delighted that your child has been offered a place in Foundation Stage at Motcombe School starting in September 2024.
Please follow this link to complete and submit your child’s Admissions Form
Admissions Form.
It is not essential to have our logo on the uniform and items can be purchased in most of the local supermarkets. However, if you would like to purchase uniform with our logo, please follow
this link to order it from our uniform provider, School Trends – School Uniform. However, we would advise you not to buy this too soon as children do grow quickly!
Additional Information – Please ensure that you make us fully aware of any specific needs that your child may have, eg. dietary, medical, learning, speech, sight or hearing on the Admissions Form.
If there is a particular friend who is also coming to Motcombe that they would like to be in class with please let us know as soon as possible via the above email address (please include your child’s full name and date of birth). Although we cannot always guarantee these requests, we try our best!
Please check your eligibility for free school meals, Apply for free school meals – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) They may also qualify for the Holiday Activity and Food Programme. Food vouchers may also be available through the Household Support Fund. Find out more by contacting your local council.
We will be in touch soon with some dates for your diary and information on your child’s transition into school but in the meantime, please keep an eye on our social media pages to see what’s going on in school!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Yours sincerely
Tracy Robinson