Curriculum Overview
At Motcombe we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes and prepares all our children for life in modern Britain by incorporating both our Golden Rules and British Values into the life of the school – this reaches across the taught curriculum.
British ValuesWe have devised and use a small step Mastery based approach to the school curriculum. The Mastery-learning model forms the basis of our approach to traditional teaching. This means spending greater time going into depth about a subject as opposed to racing through the things that all children should know. Previously, racing through content lead to some children having large gaps in subject knowledge because the concept they had just learnt was either too big or learnt too quickly. As an infant school, it is our duty to ensure that children have an absolutely solid, concrete understanding of subject knowledge and skills as well as being emotionally resilient for junior school and beyond.
The curriculum provided at Motcombe is further enhanced by recognising that the development of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum can permeate every subject and can be explored across the curriculum.
Our motto is simple – ‘Flying High Together’ and we aim to do this by providing a rich and varied curriculum which is designed to suit the varying aptitudes, interests and abilities of all our children.
Children in Foundation Stage follow the EYFS curriculum. Children in KS1 (Y1 and Y2) follow the National Curriculum.
EYFS Handbook National Curriculum: PrimaryThe Primary Curriculum indicates what we should be teaching our children and when – it does not stipulate how we teach them. At Motcombe our first question when thinking about the curriculum is ‘how do we make the curriculum suit our children?’ rather than how do we fit the children into the new primary curriculum.
The school curriculum is dynamic and children are actively involved in their learning which is brought alive by a rich and varied range of experiences. Learning for all the children is enriched by the addition of Educational School Visits and by inviting experts in to school to share their knowledge and expertise.
Each term the school has a Learning Showcase Day where families are invited to come into school and take part in some of the activities that the children have been learning and enjoying, led by the children in their role as the ‘Expert’.
Please contact the school if you have specific questions regarding our curriculum.
Mathematics English Science Computing History Geography Design & Techology Music Religious Education Physical Education Art PSHEThe curriculum is supplemented by our extensive extra-curricular clubs which enhance what the school provides for all children.
Clubs at Motcombe