Admissions Form

Motcombe School Admissions Form




  • By completing this information we can check whether your child qualifies for Pupil Premium which gives additional funding to the school to support the children.
  • By completing this information we can check whether your child qualifies for Pupil Premium which gives additional funding to support the children.


    Please select any of the above medical conditions your child has.


    Please tick if your child has any of the above dietary needs



    Please provide all addresses your child has lived, prior to your current address. Please also provide dates.
  • Please list any other Nurseries/Schools attended (if applicable) with dates

  • If there is any other information you wish to share with us (including involvement from outside agencies due to child protection/safeguarding issues) please provide it here.

    These are areas where we require your consent to be registered on our system. Please read the information and tick the boxes for each section as appropriate. This consent will remain in force while your child is at Motcombe School unless it is specifically withdrawn by the parent.
    Throughout each academic year we take children out of school on educational visits which could involve a walk to the park, a visit to the theatre or a coach trip a little further afield. We will inform you of these trips as and when they arise and may also request a voluntary contribution towards the cost. Do you give your consent for your child to participate in these visits?
    Occasionally we may take photographs or video of the children at our school to go on our newsletter and the school website. These images may also be shared on Tapestry (Foundation Stage) and Class Dojo (KS1). Do you consent to your child be photographed or recorded for the above use?
  • Do you give permission for your child's photograph or video to be on our social media pages - Facebook and Instagram?
    The Community Nursing Service will automatically offer your child a hearing, vision and growth assessment within their first year of full-time education. Do you consent to your child being seen by the School Health Team?
    Our staff are trained in the Thrive Approach. Every child needs to feel valued, involved and appreciated. We know more now than ever before about what helps to develop healthy curious minds and happy confident and creative children. The Thrive Approach helps us to understand how we develop socially and emotionally from birth to adulthood. It helps us understand what healthy child development looks like in terms of behaviour and learning. It allows us to interpret children's behaviour and identify particular developmental needs being signalled by their behaviour. It provides appropriate, targeted interventions designed to meet those needs. Do you consent to your child having this assessment and Thrive intervention if necessary?
  • TAPESTRY - Foundation Stage Only

    In Foundation Stage we use an online Learning Journey provided by Tapestry and the Early Years Foundation Stage Forum. As this is an online profile, we will need your permission to set up your child's account. Please rest assured that the information about your child and their learning is secure and is only accessible by the members of staff and yourselves as parents. There may be instances where your child appears in a photograph documenting another child's learning.
  • Class Dojo - KS1 only

    ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what's being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
  • The details supplied on this form are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Headteacher must be informed of any changes which might affect my child's education.
  • Data Protection - Personal information will be held and processed by the school in accordance with the Privacy Notice available here:

Contact Us

If you would like to speak to us, or for more information, please contact us via the main school reception by telephone on 01323 728 901 or via email at so we can direct you to the appropriate member of staff.