Thrive 18
We hope you are all well and you enjoy doing the following activities together.
Activity 1
Detective Matching game. Choose three items that are linked and ask your child to be a detective and work out how they are all linked. For example you could choose three items that are the same colour, three items that you could use in the rain, three items that you can eat. Once your child understands the game, take it in turns to be the detective.
Activity 2
Balancing gameĀ Take it in turns to challenge each other to see how many cushions or bean bags you can balance on your head, arm or outstretched leg. Extra challenge can you keep them balanced while you hop, walk and bend down.
If you would like to speak to someone about anything then please contact us:
Email office@motcombe.e-sussex.sch.uk
Tel 01323 728901